When upgrading aSISt application to a full version (when the second value after the point changes, e.g. for upgrading to versions: 5.15, 5.16, 5.17,…) an additional update of the Oracle database is necessary.
To update the Oracle database you need to:
- run the update (local or from the Internet),
- during the update, click “OK”, when asked for the update method: with or without database
Update with database:
- it is only necessary once per workstation
- can be made only if
- aSISt works just on this particular workstation and in addition:
- no other workstations are subject to updates.
When updating next workstations the update applies only to the application.
If you skipped updating the database during the upgrade on the first workstation and updated only the application, the database must be updated during the next workstation upgrade.
If you missed updating the database on all workstations during the upgrade, contact the aSISt support team to request the Oracle database upgrade script, then:
- In CMD run sqlplus,
- Log in using your aSISt Oracle user login and password,
- Run the script using: @<path_for_the_script> i.e. @C:Oracleoracle.sql,
- Save the changes with the command: commit.