To disable the password expiration option for the Oracle database to which the aSISt application connects, you need to:
1. Run the command line start-> run-> cmd with administrator privileges and execute the commands:
- sqlplus /nolog
- connect / as sysdba
2. Check the asist5 user profile using the command:
- select profile from DBA_USERS where username = ‘asist5’;
The query returns the name of the profile to which the user belongs. Usually it is a profile called DEFAULT, otherwise rename this profile in the command indicated in point 3.
3. Set an unexpired password for the profile to which the user ‘asist5’ belongs, using the command:
- alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited;
To check whether the password expiration option has been disabled for the user ‘asist5’, run the command:
at sqldeveloper:
- select username, account_status, EXPIRY_DATE from dba_users where username=’asist5′;
If (null) appears in the ‘Expiry_Date’ column, it means that the password will not expire for that user.
in sqlplus:
- select username, account_status, nvl(expiry_date,’null’) from dba_users where username=’asist5′;
If (null) appears in the ‘Expiry_Date‘ column, it means that the password will not expire for that user.